sensitivity in my veins
flowing through my body

picking up on my surroundings
picking up on my emotions

immersing together
confusing at time

an antenna of perception
revealing to me layers of truth

~ the gift of sensitivity ~
— Poetry written by Marina Lukoschat

About Marina

Model, Yoga teacher & writer based in Berlin

Traveling around the world as a model and living in different places eventually led me to discover yoga and ask deeper questions. What started in Australia as a daily “workout” practice turned into a beautiful passion and gift for life. Yoga allowed me to reconnect with my body, explore myself, and tap back into my heart.

Nowadays, I am a 500-hour certified yoga teacher. My devotion to my practices has turned into a love for guiding people on their path of transformation through yoga, meditation, writing, and daily rituals.

Over the past years, I’ve created retreats, events, and courses, and shared classes in various countries.

From a young age, writing has been a calling of mine; it is where I deeply understand and express myself. I infuse the power of writing into my classes, events, and retreats.

Get in touch with me, if you want to collaborate or work with me.

Training History

Upcoming Classes

Are you in Berlin and would love to practice with me? Join me for one of my studio classes.