We Are All Connected!

We Are All Connected!

This year has been full of changes, challenges and difficulties for all of us. One thing is certain in these uncertain times and that is that we are all experiencing fear, struggle and pain. The fact that we are bound together by our shared circumstances and emotions, is actually quite beautiful.

Most studios around the world had to close due to the pandemic and are still closed or closed for good. As the world was forced to go online, zoom meetings became an alternative way of staying connected. The yoga world was no different.

This transition has been a beautiful, and in my opinion also a revolutionary, way to stay connected with fellow students from around the world; in my case, also with some of my favorite yoga teachers who are in Istanbul or London.

The online yoga classes have given me the opportunity to keep on practicing with my favorite teachers regardless of where I am, as long as I have a good internet connection:)). I have had the opportunity to join a 30-hour Rocket yoga training with a teacher from London. In that training I had some beautiful experiences with people I have never met before, who were able to open up and reveal some of their innermost fears, struggles and experiences.

In the training we talked about “the five kleshas,“ which come from yoga philosophy. The five Kleshas are the root causes of pain and suffering and are avidya (ignorance), asmita (selfishness), raga (attachment), dvesha (aversion) and abhinivesha (fear).



In the training we each had to chose one of the kleshas and write about it from a personal perspective.

People from Italy, Spain, England, Israel and other countries shared their chosen klesha, which turned into a beautiful, vulnerable and honest conversation, which in turn inspired me to write this article. From heartbreak, losing a loved one, feeling pressure through social media and to identity crises, everyone had their unique story and they were all stories and feelings that I could relate to.

This deep sharing showed me that WE ALL struggle, go through hardships, experience pain, have self-doubt and live in fear. WE ARE NOT ALONE!

There is a beautiful quote by H. Jackson Brown Jr., “Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.”

It often feels like we are so different from each other, but when we look at it, we are not that different at all. We are all human with the same needs, the same desires and the same feelings.

Yes, some of us might go through harder times than others, but the underlying feelings are the same. I personally have struggled with insecurities, not feeling good enough through my work as a model, while on the outside people might think I must feel super confident.

It was precious to be able to connect and share common ground with so many people from around the world.

What can we practice more?

Non-judgement: “Live and let live“

Practicing non-judgement helps us to stay open, it creates inner peace and helps us to appreciate the beauty in ourselves and others.

No one is perfect, so it’s difficult to free ourselves from judgements, but by increasing our awareness of when we are being judgmental (against ourselves included) is already a good step in the right direction.

In the end, when we judge others, it only creates a negative feeling inside of us and we end up hurting ourselves the most.

Kindness and compassion

Remember: We don’t know what a person has experienced or why they act how they do.

This should not be an excuse when a person acts poorly, but it creates space for a deeper understanding, connection and forgiveness.

How often have we been too hard on ourselves? It’s easily overlooked. BUT, being kind to ourselves is just as important!

It can feel difficult to practice kindness in challenging situations. When we choose to respond with kindness, we often make the best decisions, both for ourselves and others.


“The greatest gift is to give someone your undivided attention.“

It is so easy to get distracted nowadays, everyone is on their phone and has a tight schedule with a long to-do list, while listening with half an ear.

What if we would practice to truly listen to another? Practice to be fully present with another person? THIS is powerful!

Often we don't need to say a lot, actions speak louder than words. By being fully present with another person we communicate “Hey, I am there for you, I hear you, I see you.“ This is something we all need to feel.

This is something we are being asked to practice more, to pause, to listen to one another and to listen to ourselves.


Finally, dare to be yourself and share yourself with the world.

If you are being truthful, vulnerable and honest, then you will inspire others to be the same.

Thanks for reading!

Make Connecting To Yourself A Priority

Make Connecting To Yourself A Priority