From The Inside Out: An Interview with Model Sandra martens

From The Inside Out: An Interview with Model Sandra martens

Beneath the surface: a series that reveals the deeper beauty of models

What words come to mind, when you hear the word “model?” Most likely, words like “beautiful,” “tall” and “skinny” right?

Through this series, I would like to remove the surface-layer, from the often superficial view that we all have of models, and show the person behind the glossy photos. Through a series of interview questions, I would like to reveal a type of beauty that is often overlooked - inner-beauty!

I had the pleasure to interview the german beauty Sandra Martens for my first article of my writing series: “beneath the surface: a series that reveals the deeper beauty of models.”

Sandra Martens grew up in Darmstadt, Germany. She got discovered as a model at the age of sixteen and lived in some of the biggest cities in the world like Paris, Milan, London, and New York. 

Sandra is a successful International model and walked shows for Jil Sander, Elie Saab, Armani, Maison Marginal, Issey Miyake, and many more. She stood several times in front of the camera for Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Marie Claire and other magazines. 

Eventually, her busy life as a model led her towards a deeper connection to herself and a conscious lifestyle.

How did you start modeling?

I got discovered right before my high school diploma at the age of sixteen. I spent my summer holidays in Paris, did fashion week, did a lot of test shoots and basically didn't earn money with it yet.

After my high school diploma, it got pretty serious I went from Paris to Milan and Milan to London and moved to New York for two and a half years. That was when I realized, that this is going to be the job that I will do for quite a while because I really fell in love with it and all aspects that modeling brings. 

What is your favorite place you have been to?

Probably Australia. I spent about one and a half months in Sydney and I have met the most amazing people.

I had amazing times in nature and I really enjoyed waking up at the beach. First thing in the morning going for a swim and just being in saltwater. Its been a great experience!

What are your interests and passions? How do you spend your free time?

My interests and passions… good question! I am very passionate about many things, I love learning about nutrition and movement. I studied Naturopathy and Business administration. 

I have a startup for one and a half years that focuses a lot on natural supplements and nutrition, that's something I spent a lot of time doing. 

I am also really passionate about nature! I love hiking, spending time in nature with friends, basically just being outside. 

My free time is quite split into movement and nature… but also sitting on my laptop and working my ass off.

What is your most loved and most hated part about modeling?

Traveling… definitely traveling. I love traveling, but it can get tough after a while if you haven't seen your family in like four-month. 

Especially, long-distance relationships can get to you after a while, but traveling is a big big plus point in modeling.

Do you have a routine that helps you ground? If yes, please share?

Yes, I definitely do have a routine. I try to use my mornings and do everything very consciously. 

When I wake up in the morning, I don't look at my phone! 

The first thing I do is take my dog and go for a barefoot walk, to kind of connect to the earth and ground myself.

When I come back from that walk, I basically go straight on the mat. I do a 30 to 45 mins yoga flow and end up with breathing exercises (I am doing a lot of Kapalabhati at the moment) and some meditation. It really wakes up my body!

Afterward, I feel like I really need a coffee. I go get a coffee and make myself a juice, drink some hot lemon water… all that “hydrate and caffeinated“… all of the important things. 

I have a different plan for every day, but my mornings are pretty much the same. It doesn't matter if I have a 7 am call time, I would just wake up really early or if I have a free day I use the rest of the day to go on my laptop, work on some projects, or on Ninjafoods.

You opened your own company Ninja Foods. Can you please tell us a bit more about it?

My boyfriend and I found Ninja Foods one and a half years ago, basically because we didn't want to take 10 different supplements every single day. We wanted to combine the most powerful ones into one super green powder. 

Our Ninjafoods or „Supergreen Ninja Powder“ consists of thirteen superfoods, they are all backed by science. One teaspoon a day mixed in a smoothie or prepared like a matcha will cover up your most important vitamins and mineral needs for one day. 

Ninja Foods - nutrition backed by science

Ninja Foods - nutrition backed by science

How are you taking care of your physical and mental health?

I think mental health comes before physical health to be honest. I feel like if you are physically healthy, it doesn't really mean much if you don't feel good in your body.

Mental health comes first! 

The most important thing for me is Meditation. It doesn't matter if its 5 mins or one hour in the day. If I sit done, close my eyes, and quite my mind it has such a tremendous effect on my day.

I am also a person that naturally loves moving. 

I feel really good and beautiful if I combine my mental health with my physical health, meaning working out outside, spending time with my friends working out together, go hiking, climbing, or things like that.

Do you have a „key“ to feel beautiful?

Stop trying to think that you need to reach a certain goal to feel beautiful. Practice to accept yourself for who you are right now and be confident with it.

In which way has modeling influenced who are you?

I learnt so much about myself through modeling and that is something I am really grateful for! 

I think it made me the person that I am today. It made me confident and self-conscious as well, which I would never have gotten to without it I guess. 

It made me also really open to many people. I feel modeling gives you a little bit of a teacher jump into new situations. 

For example, if you go on set and there are 10 people all from different nationalities that you have never met before and at the end of the day, you became friends with everyone. You realize that you can connect with everyone… it's an amazing feeling to feel part of the whole I guess.


If you could have a conversation with „younger you“, what advice would you give your self?

Stop stressing and overthinking!

I used to be a person that it's in her head so much. Having a plan b, plan c, and plan d for every situation. 

In the last years, I learnt to just live in the day and not think about tomorrow. I still love to make plans and be organized. 

In general, I would advice to not overthink things, that you cant handle in the end anyways.


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